
Re: 英語とかの質問にスレ主が超適当に答えてくれるスレ ( No.72 )
日時: 2013/12/14 00:22
名前: Nitro (ID: ???)


I've known you use English as me so I'll explain only in English.

If you've ever learned to write a 500-word composition in Japanese(called '小論文'), you can go ahead in that way.

paragraph 1:
State your opinion firmly including concession. Keep in your mind this part must be as short as possible!

paragraph 2〜n(n depends on the amount of the words):
Remark the reason to your opinion at first, then add lightly-understandable instants. This part is rather important, so make it as long as you can.

paragraph n+1:
Conclusion, or summary.
You don't have to pick up any new things here; having said that, this part is no more than in order to summerize and make the essay more persuative. I guess this part wouldn't be penalized.

In particular, do NOT make any common spelling mistakes! e.g. grammar and grammer, conceive and concieve, envelop and envelope...so on.
